There is so much wisdom and so many life lessons to be learned from a farm.
As you know, I spent many years focused on the grind. Nose down, blinders up and all. And you know what happened? I missed so many opportunities to experience AWE.
What’s That Green Dress? Is it a fashion podcast? No. Is it a show all about JLo’s green dress...the one with the plunging neckline? Um, no. Is a program about sustainable clothing? One episode was! I am little over a year into this show and new listeners are engaging every single day - THANK YOU!
Last week’s episode was a fan favorite! And while the topic of mental health is heavy, the response we received told us just how important it is to have these conversations.
A study released by the CDC found that younger adults report having “disproportionately worse mental health outcomes” than people of other ages. Researchers specifically found that nearly 52% of people between the ages of 25 and 44 reported having at least one symptom of poor mental or behavioral health.
I am often asked, “How are you doing?” “What has changed?” “What’s still working?” “What have you learned?” in the past year of podcasting, while in the midst of a global pandemic and during a transition back to work from a year-long sabbatical. Short answer? Good. Lots. Some things. More than I expected.
Motherhood is beautiful and hard. Really beautiful and really hard. And while the whole experience is supposed to be natural…there are many ways in which it isn’t the case.
Our internal voice is loud. Sometimes this voice is cruel, unrelenting, and unrealistic. This week, I share 6 comments/perceptions/beliefs/assumptions that can lead to burnout.
Have you ever laughed and cried at a funeral? Felt sad and yet relief/freedom as a result? Felt hurt and hopeful after a break up? Relief and frustrated about a recent layoff? Fear and attracted to true crime stories? Have you felt disgusted by a person’s acts but feel sadness when they are hurt or you come to understand an unfortunate upbringing? Felt terrified and excited about starting a new venture? Felt grateful and ready yet anxious to re-emerge from the pandemic?
Today’s episode answers an important listener question that seemed appropriate on the heels of our conversations about grief and loss. Here is the question: How do you stop wanting things you’ve always wanted - children, job, relationship, face, body…? A big and even painful question.
Loss of a relationship? A job? A friend? A significant other? An important event or achievement? Each of these can be experienced as a significant loss.
Anyone else get frustrated, discouraged, confused by recurring feelings of anxiety, panic, grief and loss? While these may seem like distinctly different feelings, they can hit similarly and at the most inconvenient and random times.
Do you make decisions or choices based on others? Decisions based on their needs, beliefs, values, desires, goals, and dreams? I did, especially professionally. Actually, if I’m being real, it happens in various areas of my life.
We live in a social world that is filtered and constructed to highlight the “good stuff.”
Now that things are beginning to reopen and vaccines are being rolled out, are you struggling in a way you didn’t expect? Like on one hand, you prayed and hoped and wished things would reopen over the course of the least year, and yet here you are reluctant, scared, nervous, or uncomfortable with actually getting out and into life?
This week, Angela Schutz, publicity and development guru, sociometric star and ultimate hype girl, joins the show to share her lived experience in embracing new seasons in life.
Connection...we are all missing it to some degree (even those of who identify as introverts).
I had such great feedback and response from last week’s episode on Dr. Chapman’s 5 Love Languages. This week, I continue the conversation about receiving and expressing love.
Love. Seems easy enough. Who knew it’d be so hard? After 20+ years and many failed attempts, I feel like my husband and I have finally figured out how to give and receive love in the way we need. But wow did it take time and work…
On this episode, we learn more about sustainable fashion and beauty with the one and only, Stella Abril! Let’s learn about living more joyfully with a sustainable lifestyle!
Continuing the conversation about quitting and shedding, this week I talk about knowing when something is truly out of alignment or something we just don’t want to do or are afraid to do because it is hard, stretches us, or feels uncomfortable.
Do you like to do things right and even perfect? Does it bother you to not do things well...the first time? Do you hang on to plans, ideas, goals, commitments because you don’t want to be seen as a quitter, or because you paid for an experience, or because you feel ashamed, or because you don’t want to let yourself down?
This week’s episode is live and ready. Is your turkey thawing? This is a new 2020 stressor for me. Who new a turkey was so high maintenance? This year, though, it is no surprise that holidays and gatherings will look a bit different. And while we will find new and creative ways of celebrating, there is no doubt that this season may bring a different kind of sadness and stress for many.
On the heels of Veterans Day, this week TGD honor’s those who serve and have served our country. This goes beyond the soldiers and extends to their families, especially their partners and spouses, who are often called to lean into the uncertainty and adversity, and even put their immediate goals on hold.
Finding yourself tired of the negativity, criticism, and blame that seems ever present? Whether in social or mainstream media, magazines, conversations in the workplace and around the dinner table, or gestures connected to road rage, it feels like things are a little too tense and we all need help!
Okay, the world feels heavy. Whether the election, pandemics, virtual learning, online dating, job loss, illness, or anything else has you down, know that you aren’t alone. I felt compelled to do this type of episode because I, too, was feeling the weight of the world, even with my habits and skills in place.
Namaste? Downward Dog? Reiki? Chakras? Anyone else heard of these but wondered what they are and how or if they really work? Anyone else totally down to try anything at this point because 2020? Me, too.
Struggling to find joy in your personal and professional life? Wondering how to take the first steps into launching your own business, idea, or opportunity? Looking for ways to leverage your gifts and talents?
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Anyone else find the experience of a mammogram a bit unnerving for many reasons? Same. From making the appointment, to being squished, and then waiting for your results...it can all be stressful.
To date, I have heard from so many women who have experienced stress and burnout in their lives. For some, these moments have served as an impetus to try something new and for others, the experience left them feeling stuck
Here you will find validation, encouragement, and support from other women who are also navigating their personal journeys. You'll find a renewed passion in your work that aligns with the life you crave.