Burnt out? Stuck? Unmotivated? Discouraged, confused, exhausted, uninspired? Feeling like a C- minus in a group of A+’s? Wondering if you are the only one who feels this way?
Yeah, I did, too (keep scrolling to learn my story). I get it.
Welcome to That Green Dress, a podcast and community for ALL women.
That Green Dress is a space designed to help women heal from burnout, reflect, and re-imagine how to do life differently; more joyfully. Here you will find encouragement, hear from other women who have navigated stickiness, and receive lots of love! Together, we will learn tools and engage in weekly challenges designed to help women find their unique way.
I want you to THRIVE.
I want you to live a fully ENGAGED and JOYFUL life.
Let's fill your toolbox.
YOU ready? Together, we can do this!
That Green Dress is hosted and founded by professor, counselor and mom, Dr. Addy.
I'm so glad you are here. I hope you will find validation, encouragement, and support from other women who are navigating their personal journeys. I hope you will feel empowered to create the life you crave.
At the end of my very first semester teaching, I received written feedback from one student who said..."I love when you wear THAT GREEN DRESS."
I was shocked, I was insulted, and I was mad. It struck me at core and reinforced my biggest fear…WAS I ENOUGH. As a result, I created an unrealistic and unhealthy structure by which I assessed my success, relevance, achievement, and my worth for the next 7 years.
I hustled and grinded and I lost sight of my other priorities in life – being a mom, partner, friend, family member. And beyond that, I lost my joy. I was lifeless and simply operating in checklist mode. I was burned out. And while I love my job and all the hats I wear, I needed to find a different way. A more joyful and sustainable way.
You may have your own version of a green dress, maybe your narrative is that you are a mom in the throws of motherhood and you’ve lost your femininity and identity and you want it back. Perhaps you are entering your second or third career in life and want your experience and history to be valued. Entering the workforce with a degree in hand only to realize the job wasn’t what you imagined. Perhaps you’ve lost your joy and you want to find it...
I want to help you, I want us to thrive! Are you ready to do this?

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